Parenting Advisor - Online Parenting Programs

Parenting Advisor

  1. Parenting Advisor

Child Development Includes It All — Even Sex!

Parents like to watch children grow. They like to see children walk and talk. They like to see them learn to read and write. Parents like to see children make friends. But many parents don’t like to think of children as sexual beings. They don’t like to think that their children are growing sexually. Many parents don’t know how to talk to their children about sexuality. This could be because their parents never talked to them about it. This has been a problem for a long time. Many parents want to do better than their parents did, but it is hard. It can be hard for parents to talk to their children about these things. It is hard because of what they think about when they hear the words “sex” or “sexuality.” But these...

Work, Learning, and Fun at Clean-up Time

Most people don’t like cleaning up. It is work. Children don’t like it either. They would rather play. It is more fun to get toys out than put them away. Parents would like children to clean up their own toys. But often parents end up cleaning up the toys. Parents might think there is a quick and easy way to do this. They can just put all the toys in one big toy box. It is quick. They might want to teach the children to do this, too. But let’s think about that. Think about someone cleaning up your things that way. What would happen if someone put your dishes and clothes and shoes and mail and books in one big box together? Then you couldn’t find anything. Your books might be torn. Your dishes might be broken. Your dirty and...

Reacting to Parenting Stress

Being a parent can be the best thing in a world. Loving a child is intense. There is nothing else like the bond between a parent and child. But parenting can also be stressful. Maybe that is because it is so special. It is hard to be a parent. It is work. Parents can get upset. They can get angry. They can get stuck. Parents might feel like there are no answers. Parenting can give parents their best moments. It can give them their worst moments. It can bring out their best selves. It can bring out their worst selves. Parents might make important mistakes when they feel stress. They might do things they will regret. How can parents react when they feel stress? Studies show that… Stress is about balance. People feel...

Teaching your children family values through play

Most people in the United States probably have similar memories. They lost a baby tooth. They put that tooth under their pillow. Overnight the tooth fairy came and took the tooth. In its place was a gift in the morning. For most children, it was some money. It was magical! Some children tried to stay awake to catch the tooth fairy. Sometimes the tooth fairy didn’t come. Some tooth fairies left a lot of money. Other tooth fairies left a little money. Some tooth fairies left other gifts. And some forgot. But the basic story was the same. Some parents work hard to be the tooth fairy. They make sure the child is asleep before reaching under the pillow. They talk about the story. They give detail. They add to the excitement. They...

Helping your children cope with death

Things die. Plants die. Pets die. And people die. Death happens even in the lives of children. Adults like to think that children are happy. They like to think that children can always be happy. Death doesn’t sound happy. But children need to think about death sometimes. It is part of life. Some children might need to think about death a lot. Some children might be in areas with lots of death. There might be shootings. Or there might be lots of sick people. Those children will get used to death. They will need to learn about death at an early age. Their parents will need to get used to talking about it. Other children might not see death very often. Parents might try to hide death from children. But most children learn about it...

Be Your Child’s Superhero

Did you like superheroes when you were young? Do you still like them? Do your children like them? They can do amazing things. They have special powers. They save the day! Do you wish you could be a superhero? Would you like to have special powers? Would you like to save the day? Would you like to be a superhero for your children? Young children might already think you are a superhero. They might think you have special powers. They might think you can do special things. They might think you can save the day. Or they might wish you could. You can do things to be a superhero for your children--and for all children! You can be an advocate. An advocate is someone who stands with someone else. That person speaks for and with other...

Not All Crying is the Same

Imagine you were stuck alone in a closed room. You couldn’t get out. You didn’t have a phone. All you had was a buzzer to push. Someone would hear the buzzer. Then maybe someone would come. Would you push the buzzer? Would you push it a lot? Would you push it hard? That buzzer is like crying for a baby. A baby doesn’t have words. A baby can’t walk around and take care of itself. Crying is the only way to get someone’s attention at first. Babies push the crying button a lot when they need something. How do you feel about children and crying? How do you feel when you hear a child cry? It is not a pleasant sound. It is not meant to be pleasant. Crying for young children is like a siren for a firetruck. Or it is like a buzzer...

Boredom Busters for Kids

Do you remember the excitement of the last day of the school year? You were free! Or did the end of the school year mean something different for you? Maybe you could play all summer or all vacation! Maybe you were sad. You would not be able to see your friends. Maybe you loved school. You didn’t want it to end.Maybe you would go to live with another parent during vacations. That might have been a happy thing or a sad thing.Maybe your parents had other things for you to do during the whole break. That could have been good or bad.Maybe you needed to stay inside. There was no place to go outside. Maybe there was nothing to do. You just got bored. Vacations should be a break. It is good to do something different for a while. It helps...

Answers to Top Parenting Questions

People like answers. They like to ask a question and get an answer right away. There are help lines to get answers for some questions. On Thanksgiving people can call the Butterball Turkey Hotline. People call them with problems when they cook a turkey. A popular National Public Radio show was Car Talk. People called in People like answers. They like to ask a question and get an answer right away. There are help lines to get answers for some questions. On Thanksgiving people can call the Butterball Turkey Hotline. People call them with problems when they cook a turkey. A popular National Public Radio show was Car Talk. People called in with car problems. There are no new Car Talk shows anymore, but the old shows are still popular....

When Do I Let My Child Win?

Playing games with children can be fun. Many families have game nights every week or every month. Families might play card games. They might play board games. Some play ball or shoot hoops. Some play video games. Games give families a chance to be together. Children learn to follow rules. Parents and children can learn about each other. They can relax. They can laugh. They can have fun. And sometimes family members get serious with games. Some games have winners and losers. Family members might try hard to win. The children might really want to win. Or the parents might want to win. Sometimes the parents let the children win. It can be hard to know what to do in family games. Should the parents let the children win? Should the...

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