When Do I Let My Child Win? Judith A Myers-Wallson May 11, 2019 Playing games with children can be fun. Many families have game nights every week or every month. Families might play card games. They might play board games. Some play ball or shoot hoops. Some play video games. Games give families a chance to be together. Children learn to follow rules. Parents and children can learn about each other. They can relax. They can laugh. They can have fun. And sometimes family members get serious with games. Some games have winners and losers. Family members might try hard to win. The children might really want to win. Or the parents might want to win. Sometimes the parents let the children win. It can be hard to know what to do in family games. Should the parents let the children win? Should the...
When Children Ask “Who Am I”? Judith A Myers-Wallson May 5, 2019 I was born by myself but carry the spirit and blood of my father, mother and my ancestors. So I am really never alone. My identity is through that line. --Ziggy Marley Who are you? You are a person on your own. But you are also part of a family. The family is very important for young children. They need their families to survive. And family stays with you all of your life. You might not live together all of your life. But family identify follows you. People will ask, “Who is your mother?” or “Who is your father?” Sometimes they want to know who your grandparents are or were. They want to connect you to your family. That is really important in some cultures. Families help to make you who you are. But sometimes it is hard...
Teaching Children Responsibility Judith A Myers-Wallson April 22, 2019 “Every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity an obligation, every possession, a duty.” – John D. Rockefeller What does it mean to be a child? What does it mean to be childish? What does it mean to be child-like? What does it mean to be a parent? What responsibilities should a child have? What responsibilities should a parent have? Most people agree that a baby is not responsible for anything. Parents take care of babies. Babies can’t take care of much of anything. They can’t take care of anyone else. And most people agree that teens do have some responsibilities. They need to take care of some things. They have some chores to do. They need to help with some things. So, what happens as children grow from...
Am I Doing A Good Parenting Job? Judith A Myers-Wallson April 4, 2019 Did a teacher ever ask you to grade your own schoolwork? Or did you have a chance to say what grade you thought you earned in a course? Some students would say they thought they should get an A. Others would be more modest. They might say a B. Almost no one would choose to get an F. What would you have said? What if someone asked what grade you should get as a parent? Do you think you deserve an A? Do you think you are an average C parent? Does it depend on what day it is? Some days you might feel like a total failure as a parent. Many parents do. Other days you might feel like a total parenting success. Does it depend on which child you are caring for? Studies Show That… It is important to feel good about yourself as a parent....
Skills Children Learn When Playing Judith A Myers-Wallson March 29, 2019 You probably have heard the saying “leave no child behind.” That saying is related to giving every child an education. It talks about giving all children a chance to succeed. But “leave no child inside?” What does that mean? Leave No Child Inside is about children and the outdoors. An organization called the Children and Nature Network (www.childrenandnature.org) started this saying. Have your children been outside today? Were they outside yesterday? How often do they go outside? I don’t mean just walking to the car. I mean spending time outside to play, explore, and be active. Do they like to go outside? Do you worry about the weather? What is “good” weather to go outside? When is it too hot or too cold for children?...