Parenting Advisor - Online Parenting Programs

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Road Safety Essentials: Teaching Children Safe Motoring Habits

Introducing your children to the principles of safe motoring from a young age isn't just about rules — it's about setting them up for a lifetime of road confidence and caution. As parents, you're the driving force behind your children’s safety education, shaping their understanding of road safety, pedestrian safety, the importance of seat belts, and the ins and outs of traffic navigation. And, fortunately, there’s uplifting news about children and road safety: since 2000, there’s been significant improvements in keeping young people safe on the roads. The number of young lives lost in accidents has now nearly halved, making it much safer for them to travel. Start young, lead strong Begin discussing safe motoring concepts...

Easy Ways to Create a Productive Study Space at Home

Is your child having a hard time studying or doing homework? Every student experiences difficulties with their schoolwork at one point or another– in fact, recent research indicates that almost two-thirds of high school students say that they find it difficult to focus on homework. Meanwhile, 74 percent of students blame distractions as they struggle to focus within 30 minutes of doing homework. Lack of motivation and low productivity can result in poor grades and poor retention of learning. To ensure that kids can make the most of their study time, they need to have a dedicated area to prepare for exams and complete their schoolwork. To boost your child's academic performance, here are some easy ways to create a productive study...

Help Children Honor All of Their Emotions

It’s no secret that children deal with big emotions. Pouty faces, eye rolls, temper tantrums, and door slams, albeit frustrating to parents and caregivers, are all examples of a child’s attempts to release emotions and express themselves. As children grow into adults, they learn how to navigate the world, one day at a time. This never-ending learning experience entails understanding how to accept disappointment, handle disagreements, express themselves clearly, and live life on life’s terms. As guardians, it’s our job to teach children how to manage daily life in a way that’s constructive, safe, and makes sense to them. Here’s why it’s important to teach children how to honor their emotions, and five ways to do...

Protecting Your Children From Online Scammers

Today, we spend as much of our lives in cyberspace as we do in the real world. That becomes increasingly so with each new generation, and teaching our children to be savvy online is just as important as teaching them about “stranger danger” or how to cross the street safely. That’s sometimes easier said than done when in many cases, children seem to know more about computers and the internet than their parents. But therein lies the risk.  Behind the technology, lie human actions and motivations. Just like in the real world, not all of them are good. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a tech genius to teach your children how to protect themselves against online scammers. Learn together about the latest scams Following...

Life-Saving Accessory: How Medical Alert Tags Shield Children with Health Conditions

Life-Saving Accessory: How Medical Alert Tags Shield Children with Health Conditions

So, you know how in movies, everything seems to happen in a flash--especially in emergencies? Well, in real life, especially for kids with health conditions, this isn't far from the truth. Medical alert tags come in super handy here. Picture  a child with a serious allergy or asthma having an emergency. With a medical alert tag, it's like having a quick-access cheat sheet that tells first responders exactly what's up. This isn't just convenient; it’s life-changing in a way. It’s crucial because--in emergencies--every second counts. If a child can't speak for themselves, their medical alert tag does the talking, telling medics about allergies, diabetes, epilepsy--you name it. It’s not just a piece of jewelry; it's a...

Harnessing the Power of Nature for Your Kids

Harnessing the Power of Nature for Your Kids

In nature, a child finds freedom, fantasy, and privacy: a place distant from the adult world, a separate peace. Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardships in a child's life.– Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods Nature is a healer, a soother, a calmer of the mind. Study after study has shown that nature reduces stress hormone levels in children and adults alike. Some of the most important findings of these studies have centered around the opportunities that nature provides for creativity, problem-solving, STEM education, and the development of inquisitive minds. Sadly, the rise of ubiquitous technology means that kids aren’t getting quite as much time outdoors as they need. In the US, for instance,...

How Can You Help Your Child Express Their Emotions?

“My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world.” ⁠—Dejan Stojanovic Many parents of young children and teens express one burning desire: that their kids be more emotionally expressive. However, it is vital to understand that there are physiological reasons why children may find it harder to express and regulate their emotions. One is the fact that their brain is still under development and the reasoning part of their brain (the prefrontal cortex) is still very much in development. As such, they rely more on the amygdala, which controls are wide range of emotions. As a result, they may respond more emotionally to a situation, yet find it harder to find words to express their emotions. Having said that, there is...

Spending Time With The Grandparents: How Kids Can Benefit From Healthy Intergenerational Relationships


It's often said it takes a whole village to raise one child, and this certainly includes grandparents. Picture this: children baking cookies with grandma or grandpa, learning family history, and soaking up endless love. Now, consider this is not just an "idyllic image", it's backed up by research. A 19-year study involving 730 grandkids and grandparents discovered that those kids lucky enough to have a tight bond with their grandparents had a decreased risk of depression. And, this relationship is a two-way street; grandparents who felt valued and successful also experienced lesser depressive episodes. Though geography or family issues may create hurdles, if feasible, nurturing these special relationships could provide significant...

Strategies for Encouraging Children to Care for Their Pets

Strategies for Encouraging Children to Care for Their Pets

Pets bring a host of benefits to children’s lives. One 2023 study of over 65,000 infants found, for instance, that children who are exposed to pet cats or dogs during fetal development or early infancy have fewer allergies compared to other children. Pets also help lower children’s stress levels, motivate them with surprising tasks like reading, and teach them vital life skills—including care for others and responsibility. Children can start helping their parents out with pet care from a very early age. If your child is mature enough to start taking on a few vital tasks, and you are keen to give them more responsibilities, then read on for a few strategies that will make the process smooth and easy. Safety Comes First The...

Exercise: A Helpful Tool for Family Mental Health and Managing Emotions

We all know that exercise is good for physical health. But did you know that it can help improve low moods and depression?  Exercise can boost bad moods and help people manage emotions in healthy ways!  Sometimes exercise can feel like just another task to add to an already busy day, but experts say that exercise matters. As little as one hour of exercise a week can help prevent low moods within all age groups. And that mood boost can happen no matter how intense the exercise is.  Yes, your family is busy, but participating in some kind of activity is important, not only for you but for your children as well.  Finding time for small amounts of exercise throughout the week (or more!) can affect you and your children's...

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